Fraud & Risk Control

At Jarvis Bizzone Private Limited, we offer comprehensive fraud and risk control services to help businesses mitigate the risks associated with fraudulent activities and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
Fraud & Risk Control

Activity Spread

Dealer Stockyard Audit

(a) To identify or Analyze the Utilization of Funding done by Bank’s / Financial Instituteto Dealer’s for their working Capital
(b) Analysis & Tracking of physical stock available at stockyard, stock intransit and sold Stock, (c) Re-finance for new additional stock

Seeding & Mystery Shopping

(a) Customer Identification,
(b) Apparatus, equipment and infrastructureemployed for conducting Activities,
(c) Sacrosanctity of services and approach process being conducted by Units


is a Desk & field check conducted to find out (a) Correctness of documents or informationprovided by any applicant, (b) Checking of his background & Involvement in political/illegal activity, (c) Crosschecking criminal background (d) Scrutiny of relationship with business associates of Customer (e) Scrutiny ofperson’s Lifestyle in connection to its monthly earning (f) Previous employer feedback check & integrity test.

Background Check

We conduct thorough background checks covering various aspects such as address verification, education verification, employment history, reference checks, and criminal background checks. Additionally, we perform drug tests to ensure the integrity and reliability of individuals.

RCU Services

Our RCU services involve screening and sampling of data, along with document verification, to identify potential risks and fraudulent activities. We employ advanced techniques to analyze data patterns and detect anomalies that may indicate fraudulent behavior.

Portfolio Management & Enforcement Support

We assist businesses in standardizing and health-checking their portfolios to ensure quality and minimize delinquencies. Our services help create market precedence, ensure portfolio quality, and provide support for enforcement actions.

Phase 1 of JARVIS Offerings

Why Servicing & Verification?